University of Chicago Wordmark

 Kersten Physics Teaching Center
Lecture Demonstrations
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Gaussian Distribution Machine

Mass, Length, and Time

Tinker Toy Vectors

Motion in One Dimension

Motion in Two Dimensions

Conical Pendulum

Parabolic Trajectory of a Water Jet

Shoot the Monkey

Simultaneous Fall

Spinning Block

Relative Motion

Newton's First Law

Hand Smash

Inertia Ball Breaks String

Tablecloth Trick

Newton's Second Law

Atwood's Machine

Newton's Third Law

Fan Cart

Statics of Rigid Bodies

Center of Gravity for an Irregular Shape

Leaning Tower Stability

Applications of Newton's Laws

Slipping Ladder


Work and Energy

Ballistic Pendulum

Bowling Ball Pendulum


V Shaped Ball Track

Linear Momentum and Collisions

Air Track Collisions

Conservation of Momentum Carts

Fire Extinguisher Cart

Newton's Cradle

Rotational Dynamics

Adjustable Rotational Inertia

Bicycle Wheel and Rotating Stool

Bicycle Wheel Gyroscope

Euler's Disk

Faster than g

Hoop and Disk Race

Rolling Spool


Properties of Matter

Bravais Lattice Models

Happy and Unhappy Balls


Double Pendulum

Driven and Damped Torsional Pendulum

Driven Mass on a Spring

Hooke's Law

Normal Modes on an Air Track

Self-Synchronizing Metronomes

Simple Pendulum

Oscillating Ring

Pendulum and Turntable