Kersten Physics Teaching Center
Event Video
2009 - 2010 Colloquia:
Fall Quarter
Oct. 1 Stuart Freedman
The Decade of the Neutrino
Oct. 8 Cheng Chin
Having your cake and seeing it too - Exploring quantum criticality and critical dynamics in ultracold atomic gases
Oct. 15 Ali Yazdani
Visualizing Pair Formation on the Nanometer Scale and the Riddle of High-Temperature Superconductivity
Oct. 21 Kip Thorne
Gravitational Waves: A New Window onto the Universe
Oct. 22 Yves Couder
Droplets walking on a liquid interface;a macroscopic type of wave-particle duality
Oct. 29 John Grunsfeld
On the fly: A Hubble Story
Nov. 5 Craig Hogan
Holographic Noise in Michelson Interferometers: a Direct Experimental Probe of Unification at the Planck Scale
Nov. 12 Carlos Bustamante
Grabbing the Cat by the Tail: Single molecule studies of a viral DNA packaging motor
Nov. 19 Bill Atwood
Fermi-LAT: The First Year
Winter Quarter
Jan. 7 Fred MacKintosh
Non-equilibrium aspects of the cytoplasm: the cell as an active state of soft matter
Jan. 14 Robert Wald
Self-Force on a Classical Point Charge
Jan. 21 Woowon Kang
Topological quantum computing
Jan. 28 James Evans
The Google Effect on Science and Scholarship: By broadening individual reach, the Internet narrows global understanding
Feb. 4 John Galayda
Report of Early Experience with the Linac Coherent Light Source as a User Facility
Feb. 25 Christopher Stubbs
Confronting the Dark Energy Crisis in Fundamental Physics
Mar. 4 Kameshwar Wali
Cremona Violins - A Physicist's Quest for the Secrets of Stradivari
Mar. 11 Dan Hooper
The Hunt For Dark Matter Continues
Spring Quarter
Apr. 1 S. C. Zhang
Topological insulators and topological superconductors
Apr. 8 Lian-Tao Wang
Using LHC Data to Explore New Physics at the Terascale
Apr. 29 Gennady Stupakov
Using echo effect in accelerators: how to measure diffusion and multiply harmonics
May 6 Philip Kim
Graphitic Carbon Nanostructures: From Analogy of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics to Carbon Based Electronics
May 13 Neil Turok
Was the Big Bang the Beginning?
May 20 Evan Finch
Recent results from STAR at RHIC
June 3 Guy Savard
The CARIBU facility: making r-process nuclei available in the laboratory
June 10 Robert Kirshner
The Past, Present, and Future of Supernova Cosmology
Department of Physics
University of Chicago
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